In recognising the need for the highest standards of corporate behaviour and accountability, the Directors of Ferro-Alloy Resources Limited (“FAR”) adhere to high standards of corporate governance.
The Board of Directors of FAR is responsible for the overall corporate governance of the consolidated Group, guiding and monitoring the business and affairs of FAR on behalf of the shareholders by whom they are elected and to whom they are accountable.
Composition of the Board
The number of Directors is specified in the Articles of Association of the Company is a minimum of one up to a maximum of seven. Having regard to the Company’s stage of development, the directors believe that the size of the current board comprising seven directors, three of whom are executive and four non-executive, is appropriate. The directors intend that there will always be at least as many non-executive directors as there are executive directors. Directors are encouraged to own Company shares.
Board Committees
The Company has an audit and a remuneration committee. The Board is of the opinion that due to the nature and size of the Company, the functions of a Nomination committee can be adequately handled by the full Board
Code of conduct
The goal of establishing the Company as a significant mining and processing Company is underpinned by its core values of honesty, integrity, common sense and respect for people. The Company desires to remain a good corporate citizen and appropriately balance, protect and preserve all stakeholders’ interests.
Shareholder communication
The Board aims to ensure that shareholders and investors have equal access to the Company’s information.
The Company aims to promote effective communication with shareholders and encourage effective participation at general meetings through a policy of open disclosure to shareholders, regulatory authorities and the broader community of all material information with respect to the Company’s affairs.