The Balasausqandiq deposit is very large, having seven known ore-bodies identified by at least surface trenching. The first, OB1, has 34m tonnes of resource as set out below, and OBs 2, 3 and 4 have now been drilled and are awaiting assays. Prior to the recent drilling of OBs 2, 3 and 4, the exploration potential of OBs 2, 3, 4 and 5 was assessed as set out below, but too little is known about OBs 6 and 7 for any quantitative assessment to be made.
JORC Based Exploration Target (JORC 2004 Guidelines)
Orebodies 2 to 5 |
Strike Length (km) |
Tonnes [m] |
V₂O₅ Grade Range [%] |
From |
To |
From |
To |
Primary Zone |
20.9 |
73 |
98 |
0.65 |
0.71 |
Oxide Zone |
4.25 |
5.75 |
0.85 |
0.98 |
Combined |
77.3 |
103.8 |
0.66 |
0.72 |
JORC Based Exploration Target (JORC 2004 Guidelines) - By-Products applied to Ore Bodies 2 to 5 (Primary Zone Only)
Target |
Global Grades based on OB1 |
Grade Range ± 5 % |
From |
To |
Carbon |
13.58 % |
12.9 |
14.26 |
MoO₃ |
0.030 % |
0.029 |
0.032 |
U₃O₈ |
0.009 % |
0.009 |
0.009 |
335 ppm |
318 |
352 |
Total Tonnes (millions) |
73 |
98 |